
One of a Kind Show

I am at The One of a Kind show (still) for five more days. It is going well, albeit exhausting. A few shots from the booth. I had the shelves made especially for the show by my friend Richard Perri and I am very happy with them. Seeing everything out and displayed in this way is really helping me imagine what a Grace store might look like. It's funny, the fabrics I use are almost exclusively from Japan; vintage kimono's. Yet, they all have a decidedly Southwestern feel to them. I find that cross cultural similarity fascinating. I didn't think about this when I sourced out terrariums and antlers (that sort of look like bones) to use for my display but now when I see everything together, find that there is a real desert feel here. It is funny, I don't always have a conscious concept in my mind, it is just totally intuitive but then when I see everything together I realize how it all comes together in a cohesive theme. Anyways, I am there until Sunday, open late every night. (even until 11pm on Thursday if that's your thing!) Hope you can come by!

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