
The Collection of Things

I am always drawn to photos that show grouping of objects. I think it is not always necessarily about the groupings per se but the colours and types of objects in the grouping. I love vibrant colour and unconventional colour groupings.

 But I also love random objects from nature; shells, stones, pieces of wood. This is a big part of who I am. Almost my whole life now I have been spending countless hours in thrift stores, searching for beauty. I am always collecting little things I find in forests like twigs, leaves, rocks.

Even Grace Design is about this search, using found textiles collected from my travels and searches around the world. I think these found things tell a story. Each object has a narrative inherent in it. It intrigues me to think of the women who wore the kimono's and sari's I collected before they were mine. Their stories. Then there is the story of my search. My story, a continuation of this. The story of things.

Here are some photos of some of my favourite things.  First, ginettesqulette, a collection of painted sticks.  Stones, by Knittalette11.  GIAC 1061 shows a collection of feathers. Eggs, by Thalo-Porter.  Flickr is an incredible resource, I gather so much inspiration from it. Here is a link to more of my Flickr favourites.

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