
Source: flickr.com via Alison on Pinterest

Hello Friends!

Sorry I haven't been as regular with my blogging as I would like. Last week was a busy one, preparing for The Beaches Arts Sale which wrapped up on Sunday. I don't have any more shows for a few months which will hopefully allow me to enjoy summer a little bit. I just bought a ticket home to the west coast for a nice long visit so very much looking forward to some solitary ocean therapy and good times with dear friends and family.

I am really enamoured with tree houses, who wouldn't be really? These photos are so amazing to me that I cannot even imagine a life where I could get to live in such a place. The first one is particulary intriguing to me, it is like a nest! How incredible.

Going to be posting many new items on Etsy this week, both obi bags to Grace and my new shop, The Animal Network, which will hold all of my silk screened bags and pillows with the animal prints. I will let you know when all of those new items are up and ready for viewing.

Off now to enjoy some sun and photograph some pillows and bags. Bye for now! XO,A

1 comment:

Sea Flower Studios said...

Such amazing treehouses! I remember spending hours and hours in my tree fort when I was a kid but it wasn't as fancy as these lol