
Etsy Love Friday

I'm going to be rolling out some themed posts on this here blog soon, if I can find the time to do this more regularly. Today I wanted to feature this amazing  jewelry company from Portland, Iswas+Willbe.
What I love most about them is the way they photograph their work, in little collections of objects. 

There is that reference to death, nature and mysticism in their work which seems to be apparent in a lot of places these days. I love the use of driftwood and primary shapes as well. Overall its just a refreshing display of jewelry and way of differentiating ones work on Etsy through the use of creative styling and photography.

Happy Friday Everyone! I myself have a lot of work and some play planned. I came down with a nasty cold this week which SUCKS. Lot's of orders to get through today and some school assignments. But still planning to find time to hit up the beach and The Ex on Sunday. What will you be doing to celebrate the last weeks of summer? Bye for now, Alison XO

1 comment:

marla {Family Fresh Cooking} said...

Hope your cold gets better so you can enjoy the weekend. Lovely post :)