
I just wrapped up my last show of Fall today. Phew. I have a bit of a break now until mid November - except it is not much of a break because I have signed up to do six Christmas shows this year and I have a whole new company to launch next month. I usually find it hard to motivate myself if there is not a tight deadline looming so I am hoping that these next few weeks I will find it in myself to be totally driven and get lot's done well in advance.

This year I have been trying to change the face of Grace Design, bringing in more of the kinds of things that inspire me currently like First Nations culture, tribal motifs and elements from nature. The above photos are a few of the photos that have inspired me as I was pulling the look and feel of my booth together in the last few shows I did. I am always collecting so I have tons of sweet little treasures from nature in my home. I brought in tiny wooden bowls and used them for display, filling them with shells, stones from Vancouver Island, pine cones and citrine crystal. I also brought in many pieces of driftwood and painted some myself which is a bit of a trend now and a look that I absolutely LOVE. I made my own mobile with found feathers and driftwood and I also visited some antique stores a few weeks ago and found some awesome old wood boxes and furniture. So, overall I am really happy with everything. I was able to bring it all together relatively cheaply too which is always a plus.

I have to admit that I have found the whole feathers trend to be rather annoying this year. I know it is a bit hypocritical of me as in past years I was all over it like white on rice but when I started to see it being sold on such a mass scale all I could think about was those birds. Seriously, are there a lot of bald and battered peacocks in China right now? It makes me sad. So I've stopped buying and/or wearing any more feathers except for a few found ones I have around. I prefer to immortalize their beauty in the form of screen prints!

Bye for now, XO

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